Hope Lies Ahead: 3 Sermons by James and Geoff

My son Geoff and I recently spoke at Port City Church, highlighting thoughts from the book we wrote together, Hope Lies Ahead, and looking at the new identity God gives. It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Geoff is on staff at Port City today, but 8 years ago, he was just entering into Refuge, the recovery ministry there. Thinking of where we were when we first walked in the doors and how far God has brought us moved me deeply. I got to watch Geoff speak and on the second Sunday baptize a new believer (I lifted the picture above from the church website LOL). We spoke for three Sundays. Geoff took the first, I did the second, and we shared the third together (on Father’s Day). Below are the links for each one if you’d like to take a look (if you’re short on time just watch the third one, where we both speak together). We’re so grateful to Mike Ashcraft, pastor at Port City (he introduces Geoff in the first video) and the fantastic team there. The church has a beautiful culture of loving people like Jesus, and God has done great things.

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