Welcome to our Prodigal Prayer Wall

You can share your prayer requests for your prodigal and praises (for answers to prayer) below. Please stay a moment and pray for others, then come back often to pray and share your answers. Space for each entry is limited to 45 words (and for security purposes does not post immediately). Your requests will be prayed for by our Prodigal Prayer Team and by our prayer meetings at Peace Church, as well as our online community (if you’d like to serve on our Prayer Team please let us know). Please also note that because of high demand we can only post prayer requests or praises that are specifically for prodigals and their families.

We are able to translate prayer requests from Spanish and several other languages.

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Prayers for my granddaughter Bobbie, who had a son in ’21 when she was 21. Her son is now 3 and my daughter and I are raising him because she left the home when he was just 8 months old. She is into drugs and alcohol and has gone to jail several times but we […]

Ginny C.

 Son JAMIE, going back to church, now wife wants a divorce. Everything is too twisted of a hot mess to tell you here but I know God can work things out. Thank you for praying.


Prayers for salvation for my adult children Joshua (single), and Sarah and her 3 adult children (my grandkids Gabriel 24 yrs Grace 23 yrs and Hannah 21 yrs). Gabriel and Hannah have birthdays in December. Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw them and convict them to love God with all their hearts. ❤️


My son is struggling with same-sex attraction. He has completely walked away from the faith. He’s intelligent and talented and a wonderful young man, but none of that matters because he is living a sinful life. He was raised in a Christian home.


My son (17), who has turned his back on God, recently came out as gay and transgender. He’s battling depression and had tried taking his life. Please pray that God will move mightily in his life, open his eyes and draw him back to Himself. Please also pray for wisdom and strength for my husband […]


Our son, Daniel, struggles with his mental health. October through March are difficult months due to short days up north. Lately he has been breaking down at work in front of customers and has to leave early without pay and he is barely scraping by.


My son JC to come back to the Lord he’s living with his girlfriend. My son Alex to get back into church. My son Matthew goes to church, but he needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit.



Kate & Peace Church, thank you very much for your prayers for Jasper, our family & all prodigals. You are a big blessing in our lives. God bless you & your families. In Jesus love, Maria D.

Ginny N.

I am praising God and thanking Him and all here who have prayed for our son Will. God blessed him with an experience to help someone while hiking this weekend. It was the strangest thing – he told me how good it felt to help someone else. It lifted the despair and bitterness he has […]


Praise God for a major breakthrough for my son Alex.


Thank you for your prayers and love, God removed my son Levi from the streets, he is doing better, God is still working in him, and also in us! Thank you so much Kate, Pastor James and everyone who makes this prayer wall possible. You have been such a blessing to us!


Just had a conversation with my daughter Nanette. She’s thinking about attending our Summer Bible Conference for a couple of days in August. She’s been praying about the situation with Randy, her boyfriend. She is trying to go back to God in her own time. No pressure. Thank you Lord for what you’ve been doing […]


Praise for my son, Josh, in recovery several months. Praise for God’s great love for him, and many mercies. Asking God to bring a man of God to be Josh’s roommate; that he will love my son, and desire to disciple him, and for my son’s heart to be open to the Lord’s love and […]


We would like to thank God for using Pastor James with his books to bring so many of my friends to come together in praying for prodigals.

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