The Beauty of Brokenness

Read: Psalm 51 | Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 13–14; John 12:1–26 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit. Psalm 51:17 Kintsugi is a centuries-old Japanese art of mending broken pottery. Gold dust mixed with resin is used to reattach broken pieces or fill in cracks, resulting in a striking bond. Instead of […]

Our Best Friend

Read: Hebrews 10:19–23 | Bible in a Year: 1 Samuel 15–16; Luke 10:25–42 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 When I was twelve years old our family moved to a town in the desert. After gym […]

Real People, Real Prayer

We can be easily intimidated when it comes to praying. Some prayers sound so good that you might think, “God has to hear that!”  But God isn’t impressed with the words we use–there’s something far more valuable, something that matters so much more to God than words alone. I hope you’ll join us on this Encouraging Prayer broadcast as host Robby Dilmore […]

Of Love and Old Shoes

Read: Psalm 139:1–12 | Bible in a Year: Numbers 31–33; Mark 9:1–29 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. Psalm 139:4 Sometimes my wife and I finish each other’s sentences. In over thirty years of marriage we’ve become increasingly familiar with the way the other thinks and speaks. We may […]

Remember When

Read: Psalm 126 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 31–32; Matthew 9:18–38 The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 Our son wrestled with drug addiction for seven years, and during that time my wife and I experienced many difficult days. As we prayed and waited for […]

Someone to Celebrate

Read: Matthew 2:1–12 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 16–17; Matthew 5:27–48 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95:6 Many manger scenes depict the wise men, or magi, visiting Jesus in Bethlehem at the same time as the shepherds. But according to the gospel of […]

Running to Joy

What we think about God can have a significant effect on how we pray. On this “Encouraging Prayer” podcast, host Robby Dilmore talk about what Jesus taught us about God’s joy, and our place in it. G.K. Chesterton wrote, “To miss the joy is to miss all.” Don’t miss this!

Waiting With Jesus

Waiting isn’t easy. But it makes a difference when we wait with God, instead of on Him. When we combine worship and waiting, hope soon follows. (PRODUCTION NOTE: The ambient noise in this episode is because it was recorded at a festival of Arab Christians–which was a lot of fun!)

Peace in Our Worries

Jesus promised us His peace. But so often the peace in our hearts is overtaken by the worries in our heads. How do we move beyond this? By getting into God’s presence long enough for Him to lift the burdens from us. This is no platitude–it’s a hard-won truth that takes time to discover. I […]

Don’t Hold Back!

Ever pray on “auto-pilot?” Here’s a little encouragement to stir things up. Join us for this “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast about keeping it fresh, giving ourselves to God as we pray.

Bold, Bruised and Understood

John the Baptist was an amazing man. Jesus said about him, “among those born of women there is no one greater than John” (you don’t get higher praise than Jesus). What’s even more amazing is the timing of Jesus’ statement. It shows us something about Him, something that helps when discouragement comes and can show […]

The Mess and the Message

Darryl Strawberry was one of the best baseball players ever to play the game. 335 homeruns. Eight all-star games. Four World Series rings. But if you ask Strawberry about it, as the Washington Post did in an interview earlier this summer, he’ll tell you “I’m over Strawberry. I’m over Mets. I’m over Yankees. I don’t […]

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