The Encouraging Prayer Radio Broadcast and Podcast!

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The Encouraging Prayer Radio Broadcast on the Truth Network is now available as a podcast! Each week I sit down with syndicated radio talk show host Robby Dilmore for some short, honest talks on prayer, and it’s never dull. Engaging topics like Turning Worry into Prayer, Getting Real with God, and even “Stoopid” Prayers are […]

“How Long, Lord?”

Have you ever prayed that way? If so, you’re in good company. This Encouraging Prayer broadcast/podcast takes a look at how this important prayer occurs in Scripture, and what we can learn from it. Many of us are asking “Are we there yet?” as we make the long journey out of a pandemic. Here’s some […]

What’s Your Prayer Style?

dock on lake

How do you do it? Do you journal, or pray using pictures of others? Through Jesus, God welcomes us to “the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16), and we may spend time with Him there in any number of ways. Knowing what approaches work best for you matters, because if you think you always have to […]

Forgiveness, Prayer, & the Holidays

Ready for that family gathering? Sometimes the holidays are hard–even with those we love most, old hurts can come back and it’s difficult to navigate those waters with love. But there is a way through. In this Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast James discusses the difference that a Savior’s love can make–and the importance of running […]

Praying with Faith

Do you ever struggle with praying with faith? We often do. Maybe you’ve prayed and prayed for someone, and nothing seems to change. Or you hear stories about praying with faith that seem almost too good to be true–and while you don’t want to doubt them, you wonder why things like that don’t happen to […]

How to Pray When You Don’t Feel Like It

Let’s be honest. Sometimes we don’t feel like praying, even though we know we need to. Join James and Robby Dilmore for this candid Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast. You’ll find new strength to go the distance and fresh hope for the way God welcomes our honest prayers.

Blessing Those We Love, Pt. 2

The response to yesterday’s post was so good that I thought I’d follow it up with a blessing prayer. The following prayer, “Forever Blessed,” is found on page 301 in my book, Prayers for Your Children. Please use it to help you pray for someone close to you today (and while you’re at it, please […]

Blessing Those We Love

Summer’s almost over, and school’s starting soon. As those we love walk forward in life, we long for them to know God’s blessing. And the beautiful truth is, you and I can be a part of that. The biblical concept of blessing those we love is often overlooked, and there’s much to learn from it! […]

Turn God’s Word into Prayer

There’s something about praying God’s Word. God not only uses it to teach us how to pray, He also meets us and strengthens us there. Pull up a chair and join us for this Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast as we savor Scripture’s words and truth–and the God who stands behind it.

Unanswered Prayer?

What do you do with prayer that seems to go unanswered? Join James and Encouraging Prayer host Robby Dillmore for this engaging radio broadcast as they take on this challenging topic. Sometimes answers to prayer can’t be put in a neat little box. Beyond “Yes” or “No” or “Wait,” God Himself meets us in down […]

Praying with Imagination

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut with our prayers, and when we do, the remedy is to ask for God’s help. There’s no one more creative than He, and when we invite Him to touch our minds and hearts through His Spirit, beautiful things happen. You won’t want to miss this inspiring Encouraging Prayer […]

Pray Like You Mean It

When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed so resolutely that he sweat drops of blood. In this Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast James and host Robby Dillmore discuss two vital and challenging questions: how much passion is there in our prayers, and what difference does it make?

Why Pray?

Why pray, when God knows what we’re going to ask before we even begin? It’s a question you often hear–and it’s also one that Jesus addresses. But his take on it is different than we might think–the fact that God already knows is a beautiful source of comfort, and the reason we can come to […]

Stuck on “Sorry?”

How is God’s love like a mother’s love, only better? James discusses this powerful biblical concept on the latest “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast. This is an especially helpful episode if you struggle with staying stuck on asking God for forgiveness over and over again, once you’ve already repented of what you’ve done. Need encouragement to take […]

“Do It Again!” (Praying for Awakening)

It could happen. And when it does, it’s breathtaking. But there are preconditions. According to the Word of God, awakening in a nation only follows humble, heartfelt united prayer. Join us as James and host Robby Dillmore discuss this vital topic on this recent “Encouraging Prayer” radio broadcast.

Ask Anything!

Jesus makes some extravagant statements about prayer, saying on several occasions that if we ask it will be done for us. Join us on this engaging Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast as James digs deeper into these promises and what they mean for our relationship with God.

Praying and Growing

When my friend David’s wife developed Alzheimer’s disease, the changes it brought to his life made him bitter. He needed to retire early to care for her; and as the disease progressed, she required increasingly more care. “I was so angry at God,” he told me. “But the more I prayed about it, the more […]

Prayer and Love

Great news! The Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast is now on more stations with the Truth Network in the Durham, Charlotte and Raleigh areas! Join us for this pre-Valentine’s Day special as we talk about why praying together matters so much for your relationship, and how you can do it today!

Prayer as a First Resort

“God helps those who help themselves”–so the saying goes. Some even think it’s in the Bible. But it isn’t. Not even close. Instead, what you see is God encouraging us to be dependent on Him moment by moment–making prayer a “first resort” instead of a last. That’s easier said than done, and to encourage us, […]

Setting Hearts

Right before Thanksgiving,  James and Encouraging Prayer host Robby Dilmore sat down to talk about setting our hearts on things that cannot be taken away.  You’ll want to listen in on this lighthearted (and all the while challenging) conversation!

Your Way, Not Mine.

Kamil and Joelle were devastated when their eight-year-old daughter Rima was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. The disease led to meningitis and a stroke, and Rima lapsed into a coma. The hospital medical team counseled her parents to make arrangements for Rima’s funeral, giving her less than a one percent chance of survival. Kamil […]

A Prayer to Point Us Home

One of the first prayers I learned as a little boy was “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep . . .” It was a prayer I learned from my parents, and I taught it to my son and daughter when they were little. As a child, […]

Declaring Dependence

Laura’s mom was battling cancer. One morning Laura prayed for her with a friend. Her friend, who had been disabled for years by cerebral palsy, prayed: “Lord, you do everything for me. Please do everything for Laura’s mother.” Laura was deeply moved by her friend’s “declaration of dependence” on God. Reflecting on the moment, she […]

Armored Up

Whenever you “Google” a picture of “the armor of God,” it’s almost always incomplete. The most vital part of the armor is missing–and that’s what we’re talking about on this “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast. We’ll take a look at what it is, and why it matters so much. Please join us!

Finding the Way Out

Read: 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 | Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 10–12; John 6:45–71 God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 There’s a street with an […]

Praise in the Dark

Read: Matthew 26:17–30 | Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 1–3; Luke 24:1–35 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. Hebrews 13:15 Even though my friend Mickey was losing his eyesight, he told me, “I’m going to keep praising God every […]

How Prayer Helps When We’re Tempted

Been messing up lately? Need encouragement in your struggle with temptation? Jesus gives some amazing (and often misunderstood) advice that can make a real difference in the heat of the moment. “Take a listen” to this brief Encouraging Prayer conversation. You’ll find help here that the devil doesn’t want you to know about.

Always Listening

Read: Nehemiah 2:1–9 | Bible in a Year: 2 Samuel 14–15; Luke 17:1–19 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 Dad was a man of few words. He had hearing damage due to years of military duty and wore hearing aids. One […]

Praying the Lord’s Prayer, Part 1

When Jesus taught us the Lord’s prayer, He was teaching us more than just words to memorize. He was also teaching us ways to pray, a method for spending time with God as we go through the day. Listen in as Encouraging Prayer host Robby Dilmore and I dive into this helpful topic in this […]

Praying the Lord’s Prayer, Part 2

Here’s the second half of our walk through the Lord’s Prayer (from the Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast), where we engage it not only as words, but as a way to pray. Need practical encouragement for spending time with God? You’ll find it here.

Leaning On Jesus

Read: John 13:12–26 | Bible in a Year: Leviticus 8–10; Matthew 25:31–46 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. John 13:23 Sometimes when I put my head on my pillow at night and pray, I imagine I’m leaning on Jesus. Whenever I do this, I remember something the Word […]

How May I Serve You?

When we pray, it’s tempting for us to make our plans and then ask God to bless them. But there’s another example in Scripture, seen in Jesus’ life and in his mother’s as well. This Encouraging Prayer broadcast occurred shortly before Christmas, and it’s a message that works well for starting the year. Begin your […]

Quiet Conversations

Read: Psalm 116:5–9 | Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 42–44; 1 John 1 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:2 Do you ever talk to yourself? Sometimes when I’m working on a project—usually under the hood of a car—I find it helpful to think aloud, working through my options […]

The Prayer That Changes Everything

Want to see real change? It won’t happen through an election–it will take more than that. Toward the end of the Revelation, there’s a prayer that challenges us to think bigger, and to reach for what God alone can do. Join us as we discuss it on this brief episode of “Encouraging Prayer.”

Can I Really Say That to God?

Prayer-Connect Magazine is a great place to go if you need to be encouraged in prayer! Please follow this link to my article entitled “Can I Really Say that to God?” in their most recent edition, by clicking here.

Prayers to Stay Close

Did you catch Nik Walenda’s Grand Canyon crossing on a tight rope? If you didn’t, here’s a link that gives you an idea of what an amazing feat it was: Something that wasn’t commented on much in the media was Wallenda’s constant praying. Some clips edited it out—but it’s something you don’t want to […]

Grateful for Let’s Pray!

I’m grateful for the warm welcome I received from David Franklin and the kind staff at “Let’s Pray” (The Hope Channel) during my recent interview about Praying the Prayers of the Bible. It’s such a joy to work with people who are as genuine behind the scenes as they are on the air! If you’d […]

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