The Encouraging Prayer Radio Broadcast and Podcast!

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The Encouraging Prayer Radio Broadcast on the Truth Network is now available as a podcast! Each week I sit down with syndicated radio talk show host Robby Dilmore for some short, honest talks on prayer, and it’s never dull. Engaging topics like Turning Worry into Prayer, Getting Real with God, and even “Stoopid” Prayers are […]

All About Love

waves on a beach

Love conquers all–even our struggle to pray. When our best efforts at praying fail, God shows us “the most excellent way” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Looking for a way to stay committed as you pray, without being legalistic about it? Listen in as James discusses the difference love make for our praying in this inspiring “Encouraging […]

Prayer in a Pandemic

beautiful desert scape

People are hurting, and we need to pray. This Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast/podcast is a prayer for the current crisis. James and his host Robby Dilmore invite you to add your prayers to their own. _

Prompted to Pray

“Several years ago I was prompted to pray for you often, and I wonder why.” That text message from an old friend came with a photo of a note she’d kept in her Bible: “Pray for James. Cover mind, thoughts, words.” Beside my name she’d recorded three separate years. I looked at the years and […]

Forgiveness, Prayer, & the Holidays

Ready for that family gathering? Sometimes the holidays are hard–even with those we love most, old hurts can come back and it’s difficult to navigate those waters with love. But there is a way through. In this Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast James discusses the difference that a Savior’s love can make–and the importance of running […]

Alert Circles

African gazelles instinctively form “alert circles” while resting on the savannah. They gather in groups with each animal facing outward in a slightly different direction. This enables them to scan the horizon a full 360 degrees and to communicate about approaching dangers or opportunities. Instead of looking out only for themselves, the members of the […]

Praying with Faith

Do you ever struggle with praying with faith? We often do. Maybe you’ve prayed and prayed for someone, and nothing seems to change. Or you hear stories about praying with faith that seem almost too good to be true–and while you don’t want to doubt them, you wonder why things like that don’t happen to […]

Orando por los Pródigales (Praying for Prodigals–Special Spanish Edition)

James recently sat down with Dr. Jose Luis Garcia of Inspiration Radio (Radio Inspiracion) for an hour episode of “Juventud en Crisis” (“Youth in Crisis”). In this interview (entirely in Spanish), James and Dr. Garcia discuss the Spanish edition of James’s book Prayers for Prodigals and the vital importance of parents’ prayers for their children.

Blessing Those We Love, Pt. 2

The response to yesterday’s post was so good that I thought I’d follow it up with a blessing prayer. The following prayer, “Forever Blessed,” is found on page 301 in my book, Prayers for Your Children. Please use it to help you pray for someone close to you today (and while you’re at it, please […]

Blessing Those We Love

Summer’s almost over, and school’s starting soon. As those we love walk forward in life, we long for them to know God’s blessing. And the beautiful truth is, you and I can be a part of that. The biblical concept of blessing those we love is often overlooked, and there’s much to learn from it! […]

Unanswered Prayer?

What do you do with prayer that seems to go unanswered? Join James and Encouraging Prayer host Robby Dillmore for this engaging radio broadcast as they take on this challenging topic. Sometimes answers to prayer can’t be put in a neat little box. Beyond “Yes” or “No” or “Wait,” God Himself meets us in down […]

Praying for Those Who Serve

Memorial Day is one of the heaviest traveling days of the year, and this recent episode of Encouraging Prayer is about praying for those who serve us… sometimes at great cost. Join James and host Robby Dillmore as they discuss serving those who serve–with our prayers.

Thanks, Mom!

On this special Mother’s Day edition of Encouraging Prayer we discuss the amazing difference a praying mom can make, as well as some practical ways to pray. Get ready to hear how history is changed….

Praying the Distance

Kevin wiped a tear from his eye as he held out a slip of paper for my wife, Cari, to read. He knew Cari and I were praying for our daughter to return to faith in Jesus. “This note was found in my mother’s Bible after her death, and I hope it encourages you,” he […]

Pray Like You Mean It

When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed so resolutely that he sweat drops of blood. In this Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast James and host Robby Dillmore discuss two vital and challenging questions: how much passion is there in our prayers, and what difference does it make?

“But Wait, There’s More!”

What do prayer, dieting and exercise have in common? We know they’re good for us, but sometimes we struggle. Need a few inspiring reminders about how much your prayers matter to God, and what they can accomplish? You’ll find them (and a lighthearted nod to “infomercials”) on this recent “Encouraging Prayer” radio broadcast.

“Do It Again!” (Praying for Awakening)

It could happen. And when it does, it’s breathtaking. But there are preconditions. According to the Word of God, awakening in a nation only follows humble, heartfelt united prayer. Join us as James and host Robby Dillmore discuss this vital topic on this recent “Encouraging Prayer” radio broadcast.

Praying with Someone You Love

Our Valentine’s Day “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast was about the benefit of praying together for couples. In this followup, host Robby Dilmore and James go a little deeper into the same approach. Want to grow deeper in love for God and each other? Don’t miss this!

Praying and Growing

When my friend David’s wife developed Alzheimer’s disease, the changes it brought to his life made him bitter. He needed to retire early to care for her; and as the disease progressed, she required increasingly more care. “I was so angry at God,” he told me. “But the more I prayed about it, the more […]

Prayer and Love

Great news! The Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast is now on more stations with the Truth Network in the Durham, Charlotte and Raleigh areas! Join us for this pre-Valentine’s Day special as we talk about why praying together matters so much for your relationship, and how you can do it today!

Prayer as a First Resort

“God helps those who help themselves”–so the saying goes. Some even think it’s in the Bible. But it isn’t. Not even close. Instead, what you see is God encouraging us to be dependent on Him moment by moment–making prayer a “first resort” instead of a last. That’s easier said than done, and to encourage us, […]

A Gift Not to Be Missed

On this week’s Encouraging Prayer broadcast we talk about one of the best gifts we can give to others. It’s a gift we sometimes overlook–like the smallest under the tree. But if we take the time, we’ll discover the value of what God alone can do. Join James and host Robby Dilmore as they discuss the gift […]

Your Way, Not Mine.

Kamil and Joelle were devastated when their eight-year-old daughter Rima was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. The disease led to meningitis and a stroke, and Rima lapsed into a coma. The hospital medical team counseled her parents to make arrangements for Rima’s funeral, giving her less than a one percent chance of survival. Kamil […]

Comfort Shared

“God sent you to me tonight!” Those were the parting words from the woman standing in front of me as we exited our flight to Chicago. She had sat across the aisle from me, where I learned she was headed home after several flights in a round-trip that day. “Do you mind if I ask […]

Giving the Gift of Prayer

“I didn’t realize what a gift prayer was until my brother was sick and you all prayed for him. I cannot tell you what a comfort your prayers were!” Laura had tears in her eyes as she thanked me for the prayers of the people in our church for her brother, who was facing a cancer […]

Of Pride and Prayer

“Prayer warrior,” or prayer “cub scout?” Here’s a little encouragement to remember that humility is always a good thing when we pray. Join us for this uplifting “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast!

Praying for Loved Ones with Addictions, Part 2

Our recent post on “Praying for Loved Ones with Addictions” (Part 1) may have been the most listened to podcast in our history. This is the continuation of that conversation. This “Encouraging Prayer” broadcast is dedicated to all of you who quietly struggle to love others deeply through your prayers. May our loving Lord give […]

Praying for Loved Ones with Addictions, Part 1

When a loved one struggles with addiction, it’s difficult to know how to pray. Join James for this Encouraging Prayer broadcast as he speaks from personal experience about loving  those who aren’t always easy to love… through your prayers.

Praying for Your Kids from Head to Toe

There’s no better gift you can give your children than the gift of your prayers. This Disciple Magazine “Encouraging Prayer” podcast covers a practical way to pray that will help you spend more time with God, and go deeper for them. Join James and radio host Robby Dilmore for an engaging 8 minute conversation!  

Our Prayers, God’s Timing

Sometimes God takes His time in answering our prayers, and that isn’t always easy for us to understand. That was the situation for Zechariah, a priest whom the angel Gabriel appeared to one day near an altar in the temple in Jerusalem. Gabriel told him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your […]

Stepping into Strength

“Will we see any snakes?” Allan, a young boy in our neighborhood, asked that question as we started on a hike by the river near our home. “We never have before,” I answered, “but we might! So let’s ask God to keep us safe.” We paused, prayed together, and kept walking. Several minutes later my […]

Leaving A Legacy of Love

When we love others with our prayers, we welcome what only God can do for them. Join host Robby Dilmore and me on this Encouraging Prayer broadcast as we share some heartwarming stories about the difference our prayers make for those we love.

Serving God with Our Prayers

Read: 1 Kings 18:41–45 | Bible in a Year: Hosea 5–8; Revelation 2 The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16 nlt God often chooses to move through our prayers to accomplish His work. We see this when God told the prophet Elijah, “I will send rain […]

Waiting With God

James Banks- Our Daily Bread Bible Conference 2016 from James Banks on Vimeo.

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